Eyelid Twitch

An eyelid twitch is when the eyelid muscles involuntarily spasm repetitively. This spasm could occur in upper lid or lower lid or both. They could vary in severity, frequency and duration. In general, short term, mild twitching can be an annoyance and is self-resolving. However, severe and prolonged twitching may require timely medical attention.

Mild eyelid twitching is called eyelid myokymia. It a common condition that affect only one eye. It can randomly occur and last for a few seconds, minutes, hours or days.

Despite the exact cause of eyelid myokymia remains unknown, eyelid myokymia may be triggered by:
· Fatigue or being overly tired
· Stress
· Anxiety
· Caffeine excess
· Alcohol intake
· Exercise
· Smoking
· Irritation of the eye surface or inner eyelids
· Bright light
· Wind or air pollution
· Certain medications, e.g. topiramate, clozapine, gold salts (sodium aurothiomalate) and flunarizine

As a self-limiting condition, eye twitching usually goes away within a few days after avoiding trigger factors. Schedule an appointment with your doctor if:
· The twitching persists longer than 2-3 weeks
· Eyelid completely closes with each twitch having difficulty opening the eye
· Twitching happens in other parts of the face or body
· Red or swollen eye, eye discharge
· Drooping eyelid

(Source: https://www.bangkokh)

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